What takes up disk space?
All content on the web host shares the total disk space. This includes all your websites, databases and e-mails.
View Current Usage
Emails - Easiest way to see how much disk space the e-mail addresses are taking up is via the E-mail Accounts page inside DirectAdmin. The disk space of individual e-mail addresses and the total disk space for all e-mail addresses for the selected domain are shown there.
Databases - The easiest way to see how much disk space your databases take up is via the MySQL Management page in DirectAdmin. The total disk space of individual databases is shown there.
Homepages - The easiest way to see how much disk space a website takes up is via the File Manager inside DirectAdmin. There you can see the total disk space of individual domains in the "domains" directory. To see sizes for files and directories, you must enable Folder Sizes via Settings in File Manager first.
See image below: