Add autoresponder to your email

Log in to Directadmin. If you are not sure how to get here, you can look in this guide.

Then navigate to E-mail Manager -> Autoresponders autoresponder

Then press Create Autoresponders


  • Responder address: This is the email you want to set
  • Subject Prefix: This is the subject of your message
  • Content Type: Here you choose whether you want plain text or whether you want implement HTML in your message
  • Reply Frequency: Here you set the time for how long it will take before the message is sent. If you want the message to be answered at once, set 1 minute or if you want to wait, choose one of the other options.
  • Responder Message: Here you write the actual message to be sent.
  • Send a CC to: If you want to add a CC, check the box and fill in the address that should receive a copy of incoming mail.

Press Save to save your changes.

To remove your autoresponder do this: Log in to Direct Admin -> E-mail Manager -> Autoresponders Check the autoresponder you wants to delete and presses delete
