Change the theme / skin of a user

In this guide we go through how to change the skin / theme for your users in Directadmin.

Start by logging into Direct Admin. If you are not sure how to do it, you can follow this guide

Start with and make sure you are in reseller- level` by clicking on Control Panel and then ``Reseller Skin1.png

Go under the tab Account Manager` and then List Users`` Skin2.png

Here you then choose which user you want to change the theme of Skin3.png

När du har valt användare så ska du i nästa steg klicka på Modify Skin4.png

Scrolla sedan ner i paketets inställningar tills du comes to the heading ``Skin` on the left Skin5.png

Then choose which skin / theme you want your user to have Skin6.pngKNWLBR When you have chosen skin / theme, scroll all the way down and press on the green ``Save` button